wayne piekarski Hacking Your Own Virtual and Augmented Reality Apps for Fun and Profit! - Linux Conf Au 2004/2005 Tutorial

Share Blog article posted January 2005

linux conf au presentations

I have given presentations at the Linux Conferences which have been held across Australia from 2000 onwards basically. Each year I present different topics related to my research work to encourage developers to think "outside of the box" and come up with new and interesting ideas.

In Adelaide in 2004 and in Canberra in 2005 I gave tutorials on doing 3D graphics and hardware development at home. The tutorial was titled "Hacking Your Own Virtual and Augmented Reality Apps for Fun and Profit!". I prepared an extensive set of notes, example code, and slides which are available from this web site. In particular, there were detailed discussions on the following topics:

  • Configuring a Linux distribution for 3D acceleration and development
  • Configuring Firewire and USB video camera devices and libraries
  • Developing applications in OpenGL using live video input
  • Using libraries such as ARToolKit for vision tracking
  • Developing custom hardware that interfaces to the parallel and serial ports

The main page for the tutorial is here, and the 2004 version is also available. The notes are available in either HTML or PDF. The slides are available in PDF. I have also included some GPL'ed example programs which you can modify to get started. Information and scripts for configuring 1394 support under Linux is available here.

Share Blog article posted January 2005

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Outdoor augmented reality research
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Google Developer Advocate 2014-2023

X-Plane plugins and apps for flight simulation

IoT water meter monitoring

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Outdoor augmented reality research
Tinmith 1998-2007

Outdoor augmented reality 3D modelling
Tinmith 1998-2007

Outdoor augmented reality gaming
ARQuake 1999-2007

Scanned physical objects outdoors
Hand of God 3D 2006

Contact Wayne Piekarski via email wayne AT tinmith.net for more information

Last Updated 2025